The Job Search


A common question students ask is when to start searching for a job. It is easy to assume it's best to wait until graduation. However, most employers advise students begin their search at least three months before graduation.

Internship, and summer and part-time positions to support you through school can be posted at any time. Monitor job boards and use the tips below to ensure your search is effective.

Searching strategically


Preparing your reference list:

  • Don't include references on your resume. When they are requested during the application process, attach or provide them at that time.

  • Keep your reference list consistent with your resume by using the same paper, font and heading format.

  • List your references in the order in which you want them to be contacted. Prioritize professional and academic references.

Cover letters

A cover letter is not intended to merely repeat information from your resume

Consider using the same heading as your resume (and reference list) to keep formatting similar

Do your research about the organization and the position

Use concrete examples of skills and experiences rather than simply stating them and connect your experience directly to the position you are applying for

Avoid gender-specific honorifics in the greeting, instead opt to address the person by their full name

Strategic Resume Writing

Getting started

  • Begin bullet points with a verb (refer to the verb bank on page 2 of the Google Doc linked below for examples)

  • Familiarize yourself with jargon and word choice commonly used in nursing job descriptions in order to craft your experiences to reflect these qualifications and descriptions

Resume Components

Your nursing resume must include:

  • CONTACT INFORMATION: Include a phone number and email address that you can be reached at consistently. Additionally, OSCAS recommends an email username that is simple and clear. For example, Nurse Jackie (see adjacent resume) would want to think "nursejackie" as opposed to "nurseZZjackieZZthebestZZ."

Using Tables

This tutorial was created to assist you in your move from a regular resume to a tabular resume.* In total, switching formats for this resume this took about one hour - including completely retyping and reformatting everything. Keep in mind, this content was finished, the format was just changed. If you are starting from scratch, this will take longer.

Why Tables?

Format and Design

Formatting do's:

  • Use reverse chronological order (from most to least recent) when listing employment and education history.

  • Be consistent with font/typeface, spacing, grammar, and punctuation.

  • Leave room for the eye to “breathe” when scanning the resume by balancing content with white space. Margins can be as narrow as 0.5" on all sides.


The truth about resumes:

Most recruiters do one of two things when looking at resumes:

  1. Scan the resume into a computer program and do a keyword search in order to find specific words or phrases

  2. Scan the resume visually, spending about 15 seconds

Scheduling with OSCAS

What can OSCAS help me with?

OSCAS offers a range of career services depending on the time of year.

During the bi-annual Career Week, you can attend workshops and meet with the OSCAS team for the following:

  • Resume and cover letter review

  • Interview preparation

  • Job search strategies

  • Networking and community building

Career Resources

OSCAS created this resource to aid nursing students in crafting high-quality application materials such as resumes, cover letters, and reference lists. You will also find information about interviewing, networking, and job searching on this website. No matter where you are in the process, this site is designed for you.