Milestone #12: Reviewers Report Form

The order  in which different actions leading up the final oral exam occur can vary based upon the timing of the final oral exam.  Once students have an idea of when their final oral exam will take place they are encouraged to reach out to Alicia George (albe0138@umnedu) for a timeline and order of milestones tailored to their timing. 

Reviewers Report Form

Students must initiate the Reviewers Report Form at least two weeks prior to the date of the final oral examination and must be prepared to provide a a complete draft of the dissertation for review by the final oral examination committee.  The Reviewers Report Form  will collect committee assessment for readiness for the final oral examination.  The complete draft of the dissertation may be emailed to the reviewers or included as a link within the Reviewers Report.  Students and advisors are encouraged to develop the dissertation timeline to allow for adequate time for the committee to review this draft of the dissertation. 

Initiating the Reviewers Report will trigger an  email to each reviewer with a link to the form from [email protected]. Reviewers will launch the form, record their decision, and submit the form. They will indicate whether the student’s dissertation/thesis is acceptable for defense, acceptable with revisions, or not acceptable for defense.

The form is complete when every reviewer has responded. Once complete, the Office of the Registrar (OTR) processes the form and updates the student’s record. Once complete students will receive an email with a link to complete the Final Exam form workflow after they have scheduled their final exam (if not already complete) and been cleared by OTR to take their final exam. A guide to the Final Exam form is available.

If any reviewer indicates “not acceptable for defense,” the whole process is canceled and the student will need to submit the form again when they are ready. The student, reviewers, and GPCs will all be notified. 

A guide to the Reviews Report workflow can be accessed here.