Before the Interview

Be prepared:

    • If they don’t offer the information up front, ask HR if they can tell you about the format, number of participants, and length of the interview, so you can prepare.

    • Even though HR has your resume, it’s always a good idea to have printed copies to take with you to your interview in the event that not all the interviewers have had a chance to review your information.

Research the organization:

    • Look at their website and pay attention to their mission statement, philosophy, organizational structure and history.

    • Exploring information about the organization will also help you in formulating questions to ask them during your interview and will ensure that you have the correct information to answer any questions they may ask.



Formulate your answers:

Your responses should tell a story using the Situation-Action-Results method

  • situation: provide a brief background

  • action: what steps did you take to address the situation?

  • results: what happened as a result of your actions?

Additionally, you may state what you learned or gained from experiences. You should think about how your past experiences and current skills relate to the position you are applying for and prepare short descriptions of situations dealing with areas such as leadership, teamwork, initiative, planning, customer service, and the mission of the organization. Finally, although the format for a quality response is the same, do not merely restate what is on your resume.

Formulate your questions:

  • It is always a good idea to ask questions of the interviewers when given the opportunity. Bring 4-5 questions that address topics such as how the mission of the organization is enacted, opportunities to advance your nursing career within the organization, educational assistance programs, what a typical shift on your floor/unit will look like, and what to expect during on-boarding as a new graduate.

  • Well thought out questions about the organization will show that you have researched the organization and that you have a true interest in being on their team.