Where is OSCAS? What are your hours?

OSCAS is located in Weaver-Densford Hall 2-139 on the Twin Cities campus and we are open Monday through Friday from 8am-4:30pm.

How do I schedule an appointment?

BSN students can schedule a high-level career conversation go to z.umn.edu/BSNAdvising.

I am a Rochester student, can I still schedule an appointment?

Absolutely! You can schedule a virtual meeting (available weekly) or in-person appointment (available bi-monthly) at z.umn.edu/BSNAdvising.

What career services and events are offered for nursing students?

The Office of Student and Career Advancement Services offers high level career conversations throughout the year with resume and cover letter review by request. OSCAS hosts Career Week once a semester with workshops, networking events, and more robust career appointments. Keep an eye on this page for event dates and details. Finally, consider getting involved in School of Nursing student organizations which occasionally host panels and other informational sessions that could be helpful as you plan your career.

How do I create a resume?

Excellent question. Head to our resume writing page to get started.

How do I write a cover letter?

So glad you asked. This helpful guide will get you started.

What is the difference between a resume and a CV?

A resume is a one to two page summary of your experiences, education, accomplishments, and skills relevant to the position for which you are applying. Whereas resumes are a 1-2 page, continuously updated document that is tailored to each position you apply for, a curriculum vitae, or CV, is a more detailed account of your experiences that spans the length of your entire career.

How do I find a job? When do I look?
  • Prepare: Use the application material and interview tips on this site to ensure you are putting your best foot forward in applications.

  • Search: We recommend starting the search at least three months before graduation. Check out this page for tips to make your search smooth.

  • Apply and Interview: Once you submit application materials, you may be contacted for an interview. Use this interview advice to get ready.

How do I prepare for my interview?

We knew you'd ask. Start by reviewing our interview page (and congratulations).

What do I wear to my interview?

The ANA suggests opting for neutral or darker tones, like blue, gray, or black, when selecting interview attire. Typically, unless otherwise noted by the interviewer, suits are appropriate for the interview. Perfume, cologne, and jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Don't chew gum. Although you may feel this stifles your expression, the truth is that sometimes these things can be distracting to interviewers and it is often better to err on the side of caution. If a tour is included in the interview, select shoes that are both comfortable and professional (such as flats, loafers, or low-heeled boots or shoes). If you are able to ascertain anything about the organization's culture, this may help you make an informed decision about interview attire.

What should I bring to the interview?

OSCAS recommends bringing a notepad, padfolio, or tablet to take notes during the interview. It is also a good idea to bring extra copies of your resume and references. Finally, be sure to have 4-5 questions to ask at the end of your interview.

How and when do I negotiate my salary?

Salary negotiation can feel tricky. Generally, we recommend against discussing salary before the employer has initiated the conversation or given you an offer. Conducting research on the average salary range for the position based on the company, location, and your years of experience and education will help you feel informed and confident when the issue of salary comes up. Additionally, ask questions about how the salary was determined which may indicate alternatives. Don't forget to factor in the benefits package which may be negotiable. Finally, remember to get offers in writing and, again, ask for time to consider.

The UMN Career Services office provides a great video explaining this process.

How do I accept or reject a job offer?

Ask for time to consider an offer before accepting or rejecting it. Weigh your options, talk to friends, family, and mentors. Additionally, if you are waiting to hear back from other positions you are interested in, let them know you have received an offer and ask about their timeline. What is most important is that you feel confident about your decision.

How do I get connected with other nurses at UMN, in Minnesota, or nationally?

Links to nursing websites within Minnesota and the United States are provided on the right-hand side of this page. These links provide resources within the state of Minnesota, as well as national nursing organizations that can assist with networking and the job search.