After the Interview

Send a thank you note!

Start composing this as soon you are finished interviewing to help you remember a couple of details to include. Generally, an email is completely acceptable. However, at times you may get the sense that a physical note/card is more appropriate. Go with your gut on this - just be sure to mail it as soon as possible. A good rule of thumb is to send the email within 24 hours of the interview and to send a letter within a few business days.

Notes should balance being concise with being specific to the organization and your interactions with interviewers.

General format:

  • 1st: Express gratitude

  • 2nd: Speak to the impact of the interview

  • 3rd: Summarize and reflect on something specific shared during the interview

  • 4th: Reiterate your interest in the position

Thank you for the opportunity to interview with (name of organization). I am grateful for your time and effort.

I left the interview impressed by your organization's dedication to patient care and the staff’s eagerness to provide high-quality, comprehensive health care to all patients.

I appreciated your reflection on the challenges facing the nurse who fills this position. I agree that the balance of responsibility for a new graduate may be difficult but your commitment to training and supporting new nurses made me confident that I would be successful in this role.

I remain very interested in this position and am thankful for the opportunity to learn more about (name of organization) and (specific unit). I believe in the mission of (name of organization) and remain sure that I have the skills, knowledge, and passion to join your team. Thank you again for the opportunity to share my experiences and interest. I look forward to hearing from you soon.