Milestone #12: Reviewers Report Form

The order  in which different actions leading up the final oral exam occur can vary based upon the timing of the final oral exam.  Once students have an idea of when their final oral exam will take place they are encouraged to reach out to Alicia George (albe0138@umnedu) for a timeline and order of milestones tailored to their timing. 

Reviewers Report Form

Milestone #11: Schedule Doctoral Final Oral Exam

The order in which different actions leading up the final oral exam occur can vary based upon the timing of the final oral exam. Once students have an idea of when their final oral exam will take place they are encouraged to reach out to Alicia George (albe0138@umnedu) for a timeline and order of milestones tailored to their timing.

When nearing the final oral exam, It is the student’s responsibility to:

Milestone #10: Dissertation Research

Once a student has received approval for his/her project from the IRB, they may begin working on the dissertation project (according to dates approved by the IRB). It is strongly recommended that students maintain regular contact with their advisor and other students in the program during this time. Most students at this stage in the dissertation are no longer taking coursework and many no longer visit campus on a regular basis.