
The truth about resumes:

Most recruiters do one of two things when looking at resumes:

  1. Scan the resume into a computer program and do a keyword search in order to find specific words or phrases

  2. Scan the resume visually, spending about 15 seconds

Either way, the first look at the resume is not in depth. This frames how you should think about the document. It has to be something that someone could look at quickly and garner quality information. Additionally, it must be organized and thorough enough to incorporate some of the keywords for which the recruiter might look.

Quick tips:

  • Start your statements with a strong verb

  • Consistency in formatting, font, and style is key for resumes

  • Utilize tables to avoid clutter and create a consistent format

  • Use reverse chronological order to organize positions within sections

  • Proofread and then proofread again