About the MN Program

In 2006, the University of Minnesota Board of Regents authorized the School of Nursing (SoN) to offer a Master of Nursing (MN) degree (from 2002-2005 it was the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate program offered through the Graduate School). The MN program is a pre-licensure nursing degree that prepares graduates for entry into nursing. In order to be eligible for admission, students must have earned a minimum of a baccalaureate degree in a field other than nursing. Integration of liberal education is essential to the preparation of professional nurses.

PhD in Nursing


The primary goal of the Nursing PhD Program at the University of Minnesota is to prepare independent researchers to develop new knowledge to advance nursing science and improve human health and health care. The Graduate Faculty supports the following core principles in the design and implementation of the School of Nursing’s PhD Program.

Core Principles for Advancing the Excellence of the PhD Program in Nursing


Where is OSCAS? What are your hours?

OSCAS is located in Weaver-Densford Hall 2-139 on the Twin Cities campus and we are open Monday through Friday from 8am-4:30pm.

How do I schedule an appointment?

BSN students can schedule a high-level career conversation go to z.umn.edu/BSNAdvising.

After the Interview

Send a thank you note!

Start composing this as soon you are finished interviewing to help you remember a couple of details to include. Generally, an email is completely acceptable. However, at times you may get the sense that a physical note/card is more appropriate. Go with your gut on this - just be sure to mail it as soon as possible. A good rule of thumb is to send the email within 24 hours of the interview and to send a letter within a few business days.

Interviewing Them?

Well not actually, but kind of. The dreaded "do you have any questions for us" is a fabulous time to show you are astute, did your homework, and find out about things that are important to you.

Set aside 15-20 minutes to go through this presentation. On "Ask Yourself" slides, take the time to reflect - with a friend, in your journal, or just in your head. This will help you as you decide where to look, and what to ask.


During the Interview

  • Dress: The ANA suggests opting for neutral or darker tones, like blue, gray, or black, when selecting interview attire. Typically, unless otherwise noted by the interviewer, suits are appropriate for the interview. Perfume, cologne, and jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Don't chew gum. Although you may feel this stifles your expression, the unfortunate truth is that these things can count against you in interviewers' minds (consciously or subconsciously) and it is often better to err on the side of caution.

Sample Interview Questions

  • Why did you decide to become a nurse?
  • Why did you choose this area of nursing?
  • What do you know about our organization?

Before the Interview

Be prepared:

    • If they don’t offer the information up front, ask HR if they can tell you about the format, number of participants, and length of the interview, so you can prepare.

    • Even though HR has your resume, it’s always a good idea to have printed copies to take with you to your interview in the event that not all the interviewers have had a chance to review your information.


  • Do your research on the organization that you are applying to before hand

  • Arrive early to avoid traffic, getting lost, or feeling rushed

  • Always bring questions to ask the employers to show you are interested in a position with their company

  • Send a thank you note within 24 hours of your interview to thank the interviewer for their time