Student Involvement in the School of Nursing

The SON bylaws provides opportunities for student representation on committees, as well as involvement on task forces and search committees. We value student input as we continuously strive to improve the quality of our academic programs.

The following standing committees solicit PhD student representation:

  • Wards, Development and Public Service Committee

  • Inclusivity, Diversity & Equity Committee- all students are welcome

  • Research Committee- 1 graduate student as voting member

The Office of Academic Programs solicits interest from doctoral students and provides names of interested students to committee chairs.

Council of Graduate Students (COGS)

Active membership in COGS ( is open to all currently registered graduate students enrolled at the University of Minnesota. It is an open organization comprised of graduate students from across the University. As such, COGS provides opportunities for graduate students to participate actively in University administrative and policy-making decisions. Further, COGS promotes the interests of graduate students by electing representatives to serve on University committees, on Policy and Review Councils, and in the University Senate. COGS regularly disseminates important information and solicits graduate student opinions through special events, publications, and General Assembly meetings held monthly during the academic year.


Council of International Graduate Students (CIGS)

CIGS is open to all international graduate students enrolled at the University of Minnesota. This organization provides a place for students to advocate for their academic, professional, and social development through events tailored to the international UMN student community. The group also serves as a liaison between the international student body and other groups within and outside of the University. The group's three main objectives are:

  • Provide a platform to meet and share experiences, address common issues, and play a larger role in student advocacy;

  • Host events and activities that improve the campus experience of international graduate students;

  • Bring leadership experience and promote more international student leaders at the University.

Organization for PhD Students in Nursing (OPSN)

The organization exists for the following purposes:

  • To provide an avenue for communication between administration/faculty and PhD students;

  • To provide a forum for speakers to make presentations of professional interest to members;

  • To provide a support group for students in the Nursing PhD program;

  • To facilitate attendance at conferences and seminars of interest to nursing students; and

  • To provide social activities and events for the membership.

Membership in OPSN is open to all currently registered students enrolled in the PhD program in the University of Minnesota’s School of Nursing. Regularly scheduled meetings of the organization are held monthly during the academic year.